After giving birth

Hi! Can anyone share how they wash their vagina and buttock after giving birth? It’s been 1 week plus after birth and I’m afraid to wash with soap etc.

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Super Mum

Hey mama, Yes I can definitely relate after my first birth! Try getting a squirt bottle - the kind with a tube and you can squeeze to control the water pressure? Bidets and shower heads are not gentle enough. Also, get a perineal spray - I like the earth mama one. Spray like crazy before and after - the cooling effect will help numb the area somewhat. Hope this helps - it’ll sting a little but after the first time you’ll be fine. No need to use soap that’s harsh - try to use gentle cleansers

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When I bathe I only use herbal bath and not soap. Not supposed to use soap to wash vagina anyway. I only use warm water to wash my butt after passing motion. It’s painful but it’ll pass. If you had an episiotomy, the stitches will dissolve by itself.

I feel u! Up till now im still so not ready to use licebuoy hahaha. Anyway i used my daughted’s cetaphil to wash 😅😂 cfm wun pain!