I had very bad 1st time vomitting (10x/day daily) although I was on diclectin 4 tabs/day and maxalon 3tabs/day. had some relief in wk 17 and 18, but suddenly restarted in wk 19. gynae told me may not be pregnancy related, but that I was having GE (gastroenteritis). I didn't have any diarrhea, but she said sometimes pregnancy GE looks different. she gave me probiotics, dimenhydrinate (another kind of vomit pills), famotidine (gastric protection) and progesterone. finally had some relief this wk (wk 20 +). maybe you can ask your gynae to explore more with you! initially I thought I had to suck it up and this vomitting will last me throughout pregnancy. but thankfully now I vomit about 1 or 2x a day. which is a huge improvement. haha. oh and I use those Seaband thing. I did my own trial of using and stopping to see if there was any difference. I was a skeptic, but it really worked surprisingly. haha jiayou! hope your nausea gets better!!
Unfortunately, sometimes even with prescribed med your nausea will not go away. It is part parcel of pregnancy symptoms. It will get by soon. Alternatively you can try eat something sweet, dry mandarin orange skin or anything that you like that will not make you nausea further.
Thank you everyone! seemed like it went down on its own! 🤭 Weird thing is as of now, it will only happen when someone asks me if i have nausea. Only then it’ll trigger again HAHHAHAHAAH