Anyone got their child studying at Avondale International school near Tanglin? Any feedback?

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A friend of mine enrolled her children in Avondale back in 2013, they were 10 and 13 then. They've since moved back to Australia. From what I remember, she liked the fact that the school is rather new (opened in 2007) and smaller in size compared to the other older, more established international schools in Singapore. The location is pretty central to her home and work place which was a big plus and the kids were having fun and engaged in school activities. She had nothing bad to say about Avondale.

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8y ago

Thanks for the review. Reviews of schools are really important but lacking. Please take time to add your reviews on (covers many schools Singapore, India, Malaysia and Philippines) so that all parents can get real reviews on school before making the decision on schools! Find the school on Kinderful and add reviews!

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