Ocsar test

Anybody did the Oscar test? Is it necessary? What is the process like? #1stimemom #firstbaby

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I did both FTS or OSCAR in the first trimester-11 weeks+, turns out results was high risk 1:13 for Down syndrome . I went on with NIPT and fetal heart scan and NT scan again at week 15, and detailed scan at week 20, results were Low risk for all tests and scans and I’m 37 weeks now. Due soon :) Hence for me it was traumatic FTS/OSCAR cos of all the “possible risk”.. I would rather have gone for NIPT first and detailed scan at week 20 to save me from all the unnecessary worries.

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2y ago

Post reply to this post to help other mummies: my baby is 6 months now and he’s a perfect child growing up and hitting his milestones as a happy baby!