Cry murder
My almost one month newborn suddenly hard to sleep from midday till early Evening. Will cry when put down. Sometimes nap 30mins only. Today she cried louder just fir milk after not having full nap. Is this normal. #advicepls #FTM

Hi, baby could be overtired! When its time to nap make sure room is quiet & cosy. Colic could also be the problem! Gently tap her tummy to see if there’s any gas. If there is put some ru yee oil for her and do bicycle exercises everyday! Or you can buy simeticon ridwin medicine for her. Tummy time helps too. Try to catch her sleeping cues, once she’s tired quickly rock her to nap. It happens to my baby, hope this helps!
Read moreYou can try the following 1. Warm bath 2. Rid wind drops 3. Bring their knees up to their chest/bicycle kicks to expel trapped gas 4. White noise 5. Place baby in stroller and bring them for a walk. Can be around the house too. 6. Massage tummy
Read moreDoes baby have bloated stomach (gassy and hard)? If yes then most likely colic. You should inform PD about it at one month check up, they can prescribe some medication. It’s just a phase, mine seemed to outgrow it by 3 months old.
My baby was like this too, i think it’s just a phase. I am not sure if it’s colic like other comments mentioned. Coz it lasted just for a day then next day the routine goes back to normal.
We had experienced the same situation. Nothing much to do, make sure she’s fed, her diaper is clean, her tummy is not bloated, keep comforting her and pray that the phase will pass soon.
yes, it could be due to colic.. u can try to change milk bottle like those anti colic kind. my son is better after i change the milk bottle.
yes it is unfortunately, it’s likely colic. my baby was the same one month ago