Dark underarms problem
25 weeks preggy now and my body odour is oh so crazy. Even roll on deodorant doesnt rlly help. Also i noticed my underarm darken alot. How do i combat this

I notice smell from my underarm too. I'm in my 38 weeks and my underarm just started turning dark colour too. didn't have this issue with my previous 4 pregnancy though. this is how messed up our body become during pregnancy. it will get beta or return to normal once baby Is borne.
My underarms darken alot too and I tried everything during pregnancy to get rid of it but can't. Not to worry though as it'll be back to normal aft birth. I did not put anything to my underarms aft birth and the darkness just magically disappear!
Can’t do much now since you’re pregnant mummy. But after delivery you can start exfoliating!! It helped!
me too. dark underarm. hope it will go back to normal after delivery