Worried and anxious as first-time mom?
21 weeks pregnant, feeling more worried and anxious now that I’ve passed the halfway mark. Sometimes I don’t feel happy being pregnant. Anyone feels this way too? #firsttimemom

I feel you... I cried when I found out I was pregnant. everyone congratulated me, told me they are so excited for me etc. but inside I am struggling to be happy. I felt so lost, shouldnt pregnancy be happy? however I am not happy. i always wanted to be a mum but why am I not happy? so many other things stress me out; I don't have a stable income, how will I afford? if I go on maternity leave, I have no income. my husband is stressed at work, so I try to make all the decisions for pregnancy myself. It's so overwhelming, I cry myself to sleep most days. I have no advice for you as I am in the same boat as you, but I know that your feeling is valid.
Read moreYou are not alone. I cry on most days too. Not working, as my pregnancy issues made it impossible to continue. Worried about finances, don’t know if I can cope with looking after a baby. While I’m looking forward to greeting the little life inside me with love when he or she arrives, since day 1 of pregnancy, it has been more tears than joy.
Read moreMe too. I’m almost 22 weeks but feeling anxious and worried everyday wondering if bb is growing well or not. Some days I feel very moody but some days I’m fine (but not till the extend of being happy). Anyone the same?
Same here! Every day I’m just waiting for the next appt to the gynae to tell me everything is okay. My friends are telling me to embrace pregnancy but I can’t if I’m always so worried.
Thank you fellow mummies-to-be for sharing and being so kind with your words ❤️ I hope by sharing your feelings, it has helped you feel supported and better just as it has done for me.