Breast pump recommendation
#1stimemom #advicepls thinking to get an electric breast pump . Any recommendations? Trying to try breast feeding but not sure will it be success, hence jn dilemma should I invest on spectra or simple electric pump that are more Wallet friendly?

Buy the pump I.e. engine secondhand if you’re not sure if you’ll continue breastfeeding. You can buy the parts new (all the parts that will come into contact with breastmilk). Spectra S1 is the best imho. Bought mine almost 5 years ago and it really helped to clear my breasts. I got the real bubee (very cheap) for its portability only when my milk supply was properly established but it never cleared as well as the S1.
Read moreGet a simple electric pump cause it really depends on indivuals how long you can express milk. For my case only 2 days. So dont buy anything too expensive. And if possible dont get 2nd hand cause you never know how it was stored and for how long n whether hygenic or not...its your 1st baby be very particular about hygiene cause baby immune system is still not well develop ..dont take any chance.❤
Read moreIf you’re concern on price, I recommend to check out carousell. My main electric pump is a Spectra 9+. I also have spare Pigeon pump that I used lightly. Both were 2nd hand and I got from carousell at a really good price (comparing it to the normal retail price). Both pumps were also in very good condition and still looks quite new.
Read moreits the pump(motor) that you’re going for, as a first time mum, u can get a 2nd hand, but get new flanges,tubings,valves etc as mentioned by someone earlier its $15? if u really want to breastfeed, then invest in a good one. spectra is good but noisy, cimilre s6 is quiet but suction not as strong as spectrA
Read moreget a second hand spectra instead.. and buy the spare parts online ($15 per set). saves quite a bit of money. if it doesn’t work well for you then can try another brand
S1 pls. Go to carousell for used ones but relatively news one (just buy ur own flanges and bottles). S1 Korea set is selling at $100+ which is very affordable too.
Personally, I’m using spectra s1+ and it works very well for me. You can try using welovesupermom’s price compare to see if you can find any within your budget

I used Medela freestyle flex, very comfortable but quite ex. You can consider to buy it when you are more confirmed that you will be breastfeeding in long term
I've got an extra real bubee v2 pump if you're keen. Rarely used and kept in box as im using spectra daily.
i tried real bubee less than $20. works ok for me.