My 10 months old is having diarrhoea for almost 10 days straight till today, seen doc twice with medication but they only give her probiotics. Asking for any remedies that could help.

My baby just cleared his diarrhoea like about 1 month ago. Took him almost 2 weeks to clear. PD also advice to temporarily give soy milk instead of the usual FM. But if ure still on BM then continue with! If your baby don’t want to take soy milk (like my son), can dilute the fm a bit. Can also get I think hidrasec. It’s this green colour box medicine. We took this + probiotic + diluting fm. Hope that helps!
Read moreProbiotics Its really help cause it does happen to my lo before as eating too much "cooling" fruits (e.g watermelon), and the doctor gave probiotics for the weakened stomach/intestines. Have light diet for your lo. Sometimes it also means teething.