
Vegetables and Fungus


Fibre, Vitamins - Riboflavin, Fructose, Carotene. Minerals - Phosphorus, Calcium, Iron.


Expectant women can eat zucchini. It contributes to a balanced diet, enhances baby's development, and can even help prevent edema (swelling) that may occur in the third trimester.


Go ahead and eat zucchini during your Selepas bersalin period. Zucchini is highly nutritious, and the protein and carbohydrate it contains can help ward off anemia and give you energy after childbirth.


Lactating mothers can eat zucchinis. Rich in dietary fibre and carbs, this vegetable can help prevent constipation and provide you with much needed energy to breastfeed.


Your little one can eat zucchini when he/she starts solids at around 6 months of age. Vitamin C-rich zucchini contributes to baby's growth. Other nutrients like protein and minerals improve immunity.