

Yellow Dragonfruit



Carbohydrate, Protein, Fibre, Iron, Magnesium, Vitamin C


Packed with nutrients that give you energy and boost your immune system, yellow dragon fruit is a great choice of fruit for pregnant women. The naturally occuring carbs will give you a much needed energy boost while its vitamin C content will help fortify your immune system. Meanwhile, fibre in this fruit will help take care of pregnancy-related digestion problems.


Yellow dragon fruit is a great fruit to eat during the postpartum recovery period. High in vitamin C and carbohydrates, it will help promote faster healing, and give you the energy you need to recover. This juice fruit is also a good thirst quencher.


With natural carbs that give energy on those long, marathon nursing sprints, yellow dragon fruit is great to eat for breastfeeding mums. The high vitamin C in it will also help keep your immune system stong and healthy.


Yellow dragonfruit is fine for babies to eat when they start solids at around 6 months of age. You could puree it for younger babies if you wish, or cut it up into chunks for older babies, as finger food. Packed with nutrients like vitamin C for immunity and carbohydrate for energy, this fruit should be a firm favourite in your baby's menu.