Yard-long beans

Vegetables and Fungus


Folate, Vitamins A and C, Thiamin, Iron, Riboflavin, Fiber


Pregnant women can eat yard-long beans, which are both delicious and nutritious. Also, they are one of the finest sources of folate, which is essential for your baby's brain development. It also helps improve your immunity and stimulate baby's bones and brain development.


You can eat yard-long beans in your Selepas bersalin period. The beans are rich in many nutrients that are good for spleen and kidney health and aid digestion.


Breastfeeding mums can eat yard-long beans. The beans contain many vitamins and minerals that can promote good blood circulation, regulate blood pressure, improve your skin tone and boost your immunity. And when you are a healthy breastfeeding mother, your baby is healthy too.


Your baby can eat yard-long beans when he or she is ready for solids at around 6 months of age. The beans contain folate for baby's brain health, vitamin A for good eyesight and vitamin C for immunity power. The fibre in yard-long beans helps keep baby's digestive system healthy and prevents constipation.