Wild rice

Vegetables and Fungus


Amino acids, Proteins, Carbohydrates, Dietary fibre, Carotene, Vitamins, Magnesium


Mums-to-be can eat wild rice. Eating wild rice may help protect you from inflammation, detoxify your body, prevent constipation and improve your skin and hair. It is also rich in carotene and vitamins, which can encourage your baby's visual development.


Wild rice is a healthy alternative to white rice, and is suitable to eat in your Selepas bersalin period. Rich in carbohydrate and protein, it can relieve fatigue, and promote body recovery. The high fibre content in wild rice means that by eating it, you're looking after your digestive health too.


Wild rice is rich in nutrients and suitable for breastfeeding mothers. It is rich in minerals to boost your health, and with carbs for lots of energy to breastfeed.


Wild rice is great for babies, but because it is a low GI food, wait until baby's digestive system is slightly matured (around 8-9 months) before you introduce it.