Vegetables and Fungus


Snow pea

Vegetables and Fungus


Riboflavin, Vitamins B6, A, C and K, Pantothenic Acid, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Fibre, Thiamin, Folate, Iron and Manganese


Snow peas are fine for mums-to-be to eat. They boost immunity, protect against diseases like cancer and help baby develop well. The fibre helps prevent constipation.


Yes, you can eat snow peas in your Selepas bersalin period. Snow peas have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming them can improve your metabolism and immunity, stimulate digestion, and help your recovery.


You can eat snow peas while nursing. Eat them often to ensure a healthy, balanced diet that breastfeeding mums should eat.


Your little one can eat yummy snow peas at around 8 months of age. Rich in vitamins and carotene, giving your baby snow peas to eat will help his/her growth, protect vision, and boost immunity. Always wash the snow peas well before cooking them.