Shiitake mushrooms

Vegetables and Fungus


Vitamin B5, Copper, Niacin, Riboflavin, Fibre, Protein


You can eat shiitake mushrooms during pregnancy. They are good for your liver health, enhance your immunity and boost the development of baby's skeletal system.


Mummies can eat shiitake mushrooms during the Selepas bersalin period. These mushrooms are rich in high-quality protein and a variety of amino acids that can help your body recover faster and protect you from Selepas bersalin anemia. Shiitake mushroms can also help boost your immune system.


Yes, you can eat shiitake mushrooms while breastfeeding. These delicious mushrooms are rich in beta-glucans, which may help you produce more milk. Choose fresh shiitake mushrooms over the dried ones if possible.


Your baby can eat shiitake mushrooms once they start solids ataround 6 months old. These mushrooms are rich in vitamins and protein to make your baby healthy and strong. The mushroom cap also contains ribonucleic acid, which can help protect baby from catching colds by enhacing his/her immunity.