Red dragon fruit



Dietary fibre and antioxidants


Mums-to-be can eat red dragon fruit. Effective in bringing constipation relief, it’s packed with nutrients that promote baby's bone development, fight microbial infections and lower your blood pressure. It is also a good source of folic acid.


Mothers can eat red dragon fruit during their confinement period. It helps prevent constipation. It also has essential nutrients to strengthen the immune system, promoting faster recovery.


You can eat red dragonfruit while breastfeeding. This thirst-quencher also packs a nutrition punch, keeping you healthy so that you can keep nursing.


Babies can eat red dragon fruit from 6 months old onwards. It is soft and easy to eat in small pieces. The red fruit relieves constipation and improves digestion. It’s full of essential vitamins and minerals to promote your baby’s growth.