
Whole Grains


Protein, Fat, Fibre, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin B-12 (cobalamin), Vitamin D, Choline, Betaine


Mums-to-be, you can continue having your favourite noodles during pregnancy. Opt for those less in salt and sugar, and home-made if possible. They are rich in minerals and protein which can help stimulate digestion, improve your physical strength, and may improve your baby's brain development.


Noodles are fine to eat after you've given birth, mummies! Comforting and nourishing, your favourite noodle dish will bring you energy to recover well after childbirth. Remember to add less oil and salt when cooking, and opt for those less in added salt and sugar, and home-made if possible.


You can also eat noodles during breastfeeding. Noodles contain many nutrients that help boost your energy (which you will need a lot of while breastfeeding). Opt for those less in salt and sugar, and home-made if possible.


Noodles are safe for babies once they start solids after 6 months. Cook the noodles as soft as possible and cut it into short, bite-sized pieces so it's easy for baby to eat. Opt for those less in salt and sugar, and home-made if possible.