Vegetables and Fungus
Mustard leaves
Vegetables and Fungus
Vitamins K, A and C, Iron, Folate, Manganese, Dietary fibre, Calcium, Protein
Mum-to-be, stock up on green, delicious and healthy mustard leaves! They are packed with nutrients and aids with digestion. The vitamins boost your immune system and baby's brain and body development. Avoid eating pickled mustard leaves as they may contain nitrites, which are bad for you and the baby.
You can eat mustard leaves during your Selepas bersalin period. This dark green leafy vegetable contains iron, which helps prevent anemia especially if you lost a lot of blood during delivery. The vitamins help protect you from infections. Avoid eating pickled mustard leaves as they may contain nitrites.
Breastfeeding mummies can eat mustard leaves. Mustard leaves can also aid digestion and is an anti-inflammatory food. Some mums find that cooking mustard leaves with tofu and prawns may increase breast milk production. Avoid eating pickled mustard leaves as they may contain nitrites.
Your baby can eat mustard leaves when he or she is old enough for solids, at around 6 months of age. These leaves really pack a power-punch in nutrition for your little one. Never give baby pickled mustard leaves as these may contain harmful nitrites.