


Vitamin C


You can eat lemons during pregnancy! It boosts your immune system and also gives your skin a wonderful glow. Infuse water with lemon slices or squeeze some lemon juice over a seafood dish. Expectant mothers also can drink lemon water to help relieve symptoms of morning sickness.


Lemons will benefit Selepas bersalin mothers because they promote healthy skin, wound healing, and a stronger immune system to help quicken recovery.


Breastfeeding mothers can include lemons in their diet. Both you and your baby will have improved immunity. Increase your lemon intake by infusing water with lemon slices.


Your baby will benefit from an improved immune system when lemon is included in their diet after he/she turns 6 months old. Lemon is far too sour for baby to eat on it its own. Just squeeze a few drops over fish or meat dishes for your little one.