Meat and Protein


Kepak Ayam

Meat and Protein


Lemak Tepu, Kolesterol, Natrium, Potassium, Protein, Tiamin, Vitamin B6, Niacin, Fosforus, Vitamin C, Zat Besi, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12, Magnesium, Zink


Ayam adalah salah satu sumber protein terbaik untuk rambut, jantung dan metabolisma badan. Ia juga mengandungi mineral, dan bagus untuk tumbesaran bayi. Tapi, pastikan kepak ayam itu dimasak dengan sempurna!


Sudahlah sedap, banyak khasiat pula itu! Kepak ayam bagus untuk ibu lepas bersalin kerana Vitamin B6 akan buat anda gembira, malah meningkatkan sistem imun badan. Niacin pula merendahkan risiko penyakit jantung. Tapi jangan makan banyak sangat kalau anda tak mahu berat badan naik!


Mothers who are breastfeeding can benefit a lot from eating chicken wings. They are delicious bite-sized packages of nutrients that help the mother and the Bayi! Selenium boosts your and the Bayi’s immune system. It also keeps you feeling happy! Avoid deep-fried wings, as the extra fat can lead to weight gain. Avoid spicy marinades, too, as these may affect the quality of your breast milk. Consult your doctor if you have a particular craving for a certain marinade on chicken wings.


Babies under 6 months old are generally recommended not to eat solids. But when they’re older, they can join in on the fun and also eat chicken wings! It’s advisable to wait until they’re 2 years old before introducing chicken wings into their diet.