Iodine, Potassium, Protein, Vitamin A, Acetylcholine,
Calcium, Iron, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Cobalamin, Magnesium
Eating jellyfish while pregnant is fine, as it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Similar to kelp and seaweed, jellyfish is rich in iodine, which can reduce the risk of hypothyroidism during pregnancy.
New mums can eat jellyfish to help with recovery. Jellyfish contains acetylcholine, which can strengthen blood vessels, and if you have high blood pressure or constipation, eating jellyfish might help. Similar to kelp and seaweed, jellyfish is also rich in iodine.
You can eat jellyfish while breastfeeding. The iodine in jellyfish can boost the development of your baby's nervous system. However, jellyfish is seafood, which could cause allergic reactions in your baby.
Jellyfish is not suitable for babies and toddlers.