


potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and copper, as well as in vitamin A and K


Mums-to-be, you can eat figs. They can help stabilise blood pressure and ease constipation. Nutrients in figs can also stimulate your baby's vision development and skin health and improve baby's healthy growth.


Figs are suitable to eat for mothers during their Selepas bersalin period. The nutrients in figs can also help protect you from illness and infection as they also boost your immue system. The fibre in figs eases constipation issues.


Figs are fine for you to eat, breastfeeding mums. With a rich mix of nutrients, these delicious fruits make the perfect, healthy snack to keep you energised and healthy to continue breastfeeding.


Figs are a suitable fruit for your baby when he/she starts solids at around 6 months old. They can relieve thirst and soothe your baby's bowel movements.