Vegetables and Fungus


Chinese leek

Vegetables and Fungus


Vitamin C and A, protein, phosporous, iron, calcium and some fibre


You can eat Chinese leeks, mums-to-be. These help boost your immune system, reduce the appearance of stretchmarks, regulate your blood sugar and contribute to your baby's healthy growth. Don't eat them raw, and wash them well before eating.


Chinese leeks are good for you to eat in the Selepas bersalin period. It can help prevent Selepas bersalin constipation and promotes faster Selepas bersalin recovery. Remember not to eat them raw, and wash well before cooking.


Breastfeeding mums, it's perfectly fine for you to eat Chinese leeks as it helps boost your immunity and are a great addition to a balanced and healthy breastfeeding diet.


Chinese leeks are not suitable for babies under the age of 11 months.