
Cashew nuts
Carbohydrate, Sugar, Fiber, Protein, Fat, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc, Copper, Vitamin K
Cashew nuts are good for pregnant women in moderate amount if there is no previous diagnosis of allergy to nuts. Cashew nuts provide nutrients essential in pregnancy, can be a good source of energy and can help underweight mums gain weight. However, eating too much can cause rapid weight gain and can worsen blood pressure problems.
It is generally considered safe for women with no history of food allergies to eat common allergens such as nuts while they're breastfeeding.
It is beneficial for nursing mothers to eat cashew nuts during breastfeeding, as they are great for healthy bone development. Mums, if you have a strong family history of severe allergy try to avoid common allergens during breastfeeding. If you are clear on the allergy alert, feel free to include them in your diet. Note: bloody stools and irritability are very common signs of allergic reaction in a baby.
Cashew nuts are not suitable for babies under the age of 11 months.