
vitamin C, E, K, minerals, anthocyanins, manganese, antioxidants, flavonoids, pectin, dietary fibre
Pregnant women can eat blueberries, one of the most nutritious fruits that contribute to your baby's growth and development. They are also packed with antioxidants, keeping you healthy.
Blueberries are safe for you to eat in the Selepas bersalin period. The nutrients help heal delivery wounds and strengthen your immunity.
Blueberries are great for breastfeeding mums! They're the ideal snack to munch on while nursing your baby, knowing you are boosting your health by doing so.
Baby can eat blueberries when he/she is around 8 months old. They are great immunity boosters and are also good for your little one's vision development. Squash them slightly or puree them into cereal or juice to prevent choking risks.