Vegetables and Fungus

Baby corn
Vegetables and Fungus
Folate, Fibre, Vitamins B1, B5, and C, Protein, Amino Acids, Calcium, Phosphorus
Mums-to-be, baby corn is fine for you to eat. A rich source of folate which can help prevent neural tube deficiencies in your baby, this vegetable can also ease digestion and improve your immunity to illnesses.
Go ahead and eat crunchy, yummy baby corn. The nutrients help replenish your strength and energy and the fibre assists good digestion.
Breastfeeding mummies can eat baby corn. For some mums, eating baby corn even increase breast milk production. The nutrients in this vegetable help keep your body nourished and healthy, so you can continue nursing your baby.
Your little one can eat baby corn when he/ she is ready for solids at around 6 months of age. Your little one is sure to love the sweet tase and crunchy texture too.