Vegetables and Fungus

Vegetables and Fungus
Vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6, Folate, Iron, Copper, Calcium, Protein, Fibre
Pregnant women can eat asparagus. It improves metabolism and help prevent anemia. In addition, the folic acid in asparagus contributes to baby's proper brain health.
It's okay to eat asparagus in the Selepas bersalin period. Full of important minerals, vitamins, and dietary fibre, this vegetable helps keep you healthy. It can also help relieve constipation. However, asparagus causes gas and bloating in some, so if you experience that, please limit the amount you eat.
Breastfeeding mums, while asparagus contributes to a healthy, balanced diet, it's best to limit the amount you eat. Some mums believe it reduces the amount of milk they produce and others experience gas and bloating.
Your little one may eat asparagus in small quantities. Asparagus is rich in vitamins and cellulose, which help baby's growth and development. However, it is not easy to digest so it's best to introduce it when baby is a bit older, around 9 months of age.