10 month old not drinking milk
My 10 month old daughter is refusing to drink milk for 2 days in a row.Went for checkup and the doctor says that she is healthy and there is nothing wrong with her since she is eating solid food and drinking water. But I am very worried as she tends to get cranky. Mummies #pleasehelp and give me adivise on what to do. #worriedfirsttimemom
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First trimester screening (FTS) at KKH with high risk of 1:14 for trisomy 21 at week 12
Hi mummies out there.. I’ve just gotten my FTS results from KKH taken at week 12. Report shows that my baby NT 3.1 which is higher than normal 2.6. Sonographer couldn’t find baby nasal bone too. Other than that the rest of the structures are visible. During the sonogram my baby was very active and sonographer took a long time to complete my scan taking 1.5 hours. My hcg level is at 0.7 lower than normal =1. Thus this has elevated my risk for trisomy 21=1:14, trisomy 18=1:181, trisomy 13=1:889. I would like to check with mummies out there with a follow up NIPT, will the NIPT result be worse off? #1stimemom #advicepls #worriedfirsttimemom
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I’m currently at week 35+ however during my last checkup, my baby is still in breech position. I’m a FTM. Googled and saw some causes could be baby have birth defects that’s why baby doesn’t turn head down. Is that really true? How common is it that babies are in breech position till they give birth? Will breech babies delivered via csect still be healthy? #worriedfirsttimemom
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Hi mummies, 26 weeks pregnant currently and experiencing nosebleeds. Just today it started bleeding again for no reason. Gynae referred me to ENT to get it checked but I won’t be seeing ENT till September. Anyone with similar experiences can share how you manage the nosebleeds apart from pinching nose to stop the bleeding when it happens? TIA! #worriedfirsttimemom
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Hi mommies, I have gotten the flu / cold bug last week and am recovering. Have seen the GP for prescribed medicines (which I only took once on the day I had seen the GP) for flu and and throat. May I know if any one experience this before as getting sick is probably quite common. My next visit to KKH is in about 2.5 weeks away. Will all be fine since I am recovering? #worriedfirsttimemom
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