Mom, I'm worried. Why doesn't my baby nurse frequently like other babies? I heard that newborns can breastfeed every 2 hours, even every hour... My baby is irregular. Sometimes, he can sleep for up to 4 hours... then breastfeed. But sometimes, it's after 1 hour, then he breastfeeds. I can't seem to grasp the same nursing pattern. Is this normal? help #seriouslyasking
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pregnant but cannot stop smoking 😭
Hi Moms, please don't judge. I'm reaching out because I'm feeling really confused and torn right now. I recently found out I'm pregnant, which is incredibly exciting, but I'm struggling with a habit I know I need to break: smoking. I've been a smoker for quite some time, and while I desperately want to quit for the health of my baby, I'm finding it incredibly difficult. Whenever I try to refrain from smoking altogether, I start feeling extremely nauseous and end up vomiting. It's like my body is rebelling against me for depriving it of something it's used to. Here's what I've been doing lately: instead of inhaling the smoke into my lungs like I used to, I've been just drawing it into my mouth and then exhaling. It's not ideal, I know, but it seems to alleviate the nausea temporarily. I'm aware of the dangers of smoking during pregnancy, and I'm really trying my best to do what's right for my baby. But I feel so lost and conflicted right now. Has anyone else been in a similar situation or have any advice to offer? I would really appreciate any guidance or support you can provide. Thank you so much. 🌸 #seriouslyasking #nojudgement #firsttimemom
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should i tell my husband that... i once dated his brother?
Really need some serious advice, and maybe a glass of wine (or two) So, I've been married to my amazing husband for almost 5 years now, and things are fantastic. But there's a secret I've been holding onto... Before we met, I actually dated his brother, for about a year. It was a really positive experience, and it ended amicably before I met my husband. Here's the plot twist: The ex-or-brother-in-law has always lived abroad, but guess who just came home two weeks ago? Yep, you guessed it! My ex-boyfriend is back in town! (or is it my brother-in-law is back in town? cryyyyyy). And even though I'm head-over-heels for my husband, there's no denying my ex is still... well... kinda cute. Now, the question is even trickier - should I tell my husband about my past relationship with his brother? I'm worried it might make things awkward, or even worse, plant a seed of doubt. On the other hand, I believe in honesty, and I don't want any secrets lingering between us. please help me #seriouslyasking #relationship #advice
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