I'm thinking of enrolling my LO in the toddler program at MFS. I have narrowed down to 3 outlets near me. Any reviews to share on these outlets? Many thanks! 1. My First Skool @ 503 Bedok North 2. My First Skool @ 419 Bedok North 3. My First Skool @ 187 Bedok North #advicepls #firstlittleone #firsttimemama
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Any mummies had subchorionic space during their pregnancy?
Hi mummies! Im now 10 wks and 5 days, had the ultrasound scan yesterday and they found that I have a subchorionic space. Anyone of you experienced the same? I haven’t had any bleeding or spotting of sorts. I also read up that this will clear up on its own in a few weeks. The dr told me there’s nothing to worry about, everything looks good but hey of course im worried haha. 😂 #firsttimemama
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2month take a long time to sleep at night
Hi! I have a 2month old whos bedtime routine starts at 9pm and she will fall asleep around 1030pm but will wake up after sleeping for 30mins. Then i will make her sleep again and she will wake up AGAIN after sleeping for 30mins :( she Will only sleep the long stretch of 5hours much later like around 1am onwards. Her naps in the afternoon ranges from 30mins to 2hrs which is pretty standard for newborns and im thankful that she can sleep for 5hours stretch at night. But i dont understand why isit taking so long for her to sleep that long stretch. #firsttimemama #First_Baby
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