How to naturally terminate Blighted ovum.
Ladies, I have been diagnosed with blighted ovum, week 9 completed. Till which week I should wait to have miscarriage naturally? Is there any home remedies like papaya, pineapples which will help in inducing bleeding? Any suggestions.. I am not in favour of medication or D&C. #trytoconceive #miscarriage #blightedovum
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Hello Ladies, I am at week 10 and detected with blighted ovum. I am taking oral medication for termination. What does miscarriage looks like since embryo/foetus was not developed. Will I see something in the bleeding or it will be like normal periods with heavy bleeding. Asking this question to prepare myself mentally and not get nervous when things actually happen. Would be glad if someone can share there experiences. #pregnancy #blightedovum #miscarriage
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