
Subsidise or Private?

Hi all! Would like to hear some insights on to why you chose subsidise/private for your labour. I'm pregnant with #2 and am still contemplating whether I should go the sub route or private. First born was KKH subsidised and I kinda find that we're not given much of a choice in decision making (like not wanting to induce, not able to give our birth plan etc). Docs there also seemed to not give any information I need to know or tell me how fetus is doing. 😅 Always the same 'all is normal,will see you next appt' and then I'm done. 🥲 So this time round , I feel like going through subsidise but then upgrade to private later on. (Is that possible? How do I go about it?) What should I prepare for if I chose private? Any recommendations (I'm staying Toa Payoh , so was thinking of either KKH / TMC). Is it worth it taking private as compared to sub? As I don't wanna burden my husband also with the costs 😅 furthermore , it's just a 2-3 days stay at hosp if there's no complications so I don't think I'd want to spend a huge amount of money hahaha! But if I take sub , isit possible for me to get a 4 bedded ward instead of a 6 bedded ward? 😅 Do advise and hope to hear some of y'all stories if you've been through both sub/Pvt and what made you chose ? Thanks in advance for reading 😂 #babynumber2 #AdvisePlease #2022Baby

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Understand you have anxiety issues, and since I dont have it, I cannot imagine and not sure what fears you may be going through. So my opinion may nt sit well with you. But I still would like to present an alternative view to you. From my point of view though, viruses are everywhere. Getting sick is always a matter of time, and all we can do is to minimise the exposure within whats reasonable that is within our control while not imposing inconveniences to other people. Because frankly, this world does not revolves around anybody no mater how pathetic or victimised the person is. doing so will only make us less in ctrl and be more upset. You can say better be safe than sorry. But everyday when you go out, how sure are you that you are not in contact with someone with any virus or u r not an asymptomatic carrier of a virus? Will you then not touch or go near your child at all? Better be safe than sorry isnt it? If your colleague is sick today and still goes to work, are you going to take leave stay home just to avoid her so you wont catch the bug and pass to ur child in case ur child hospitalised again? Is ur husband going to do that if it is his colleague? So yes, I personally feel your requests is rather over the top. I get that your are traumatised to see you child hospitalised. But getting sick is something you can never prevent unless you fully place him in an isolated sterile room. Your child is only 7weeks old now and he still have a long life ahead of him. How long do you think u can requests people to wear mask for him? What I will do instead is to check with the doctor what is the root cause for the hospitalisation. if it is purely due to very bad bug, then its ok bcoz the bug is bad and hospitalisafion is expected. But if it is not, then find out what is the underlying health prblm that cause this and tackle it. example, due to pure immunity, then improve it. I will still bring him to the bbq session, but minimise the passing around. since he is 7 weeks old, he is probably just slping most of the time. if you worrjed ppl will touch him when place in pram, then wrap him. putting him close to you, you can reject ppl frm touching him immediately, and also prevent ppl frm wanting to touch him. also, its is normal tt, w a 7wks babg in tow, its v difficult to see past these thing and our anxiety and mother instincts r the strongest espcially if u r a first time mom. its nt easy, n it also took me sometime to learn to relax and nt jump at every single red dot i see.. ('oh, hands like gt 1 red dot. isit hfmd? let me bring my child to the dr nw.') All thes best to you!
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