My newborn is only a week old. My mum tells me not to let BB cry so much because air might enter his tummy and make him uncomfortable. I explain that BB only cries when he's hungry, need a change of diaper or what not. And my mum handles my BB roughly during shower time and wearing clothes. I constantly remind her to be gentle. The other day my BB cried bloody murder for nearly 2 hours only to find out my mum went to sort of pluck out his umbilical cord cause its dropping soon. I feel very heartbroken. Luckily, the belly button seems fine. On the other hand, my MIL ask me to stop breastfeeding because she says I look pale, and most likely it's due to not having enough nutrients since young. She said my breastmilk will affect the growth of my son when he reaches puberty. She insist giving formula, and to give BB drink water after formula milk as its heaty. I told my husband no water until after 6 mths for BB. Pls advise, can newborns drink water or am I right? #pleasehelp #advicepls #1stimemom #StressedMom
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