In need of translation from mummies that understands Malay

My husband's a Malay Muslim, I'm a Chinese convert. We both are aware it is forbidden to shave one's eyebrow in Islam practice. Hence, i told my mom (who did confinement and taking care of baby for me) that do not cut or shave my baby's hair. 1-2weeks ltr my husband found out my baby's eyebrow suddenly were gone, i wasnt paying attention to my baby cuz i was focusing on my episiotomy recovery. My husband did not get down to the bottom of the matter and started assuming my family and I shaved his eyebrow and he threw a big tantrum at me. Blaming me why am i only focusing on myself and not baby? Till now i am not sure what happened to my baby's eyebrow, why is it gone? Or is it a normal thing that baby eyebrow will disappear and regrow agn? My husband was furious and said will get down to the bottom of this matter. Weeks gone by, nothing was told by him. But i know he told his mom about this incident too. Out of curiosity, i scrolled his whatsapp chat w his mom and i got this screenshot of their conversation. I dont really understand Malay and i tried google translation, some parts came out quite harsh and hurtful. I do not want to jump into conclusion that my mil is bad mouthing me, as google translation cant be accurate or unable to properly potray what the text mean. So, i would greatly appreciate mummies to help me look through the convo and tell me if my mil and my husband was bad mouthing or blaming me for not taking care of my baby? Your help is greatly appreciated thanks! #firstbaby #firstmom #FTM #firsttimemom #1sttime_mom #mil

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In need of translation from mummies that understands Malay
Man it boils me how your husband and mil talks about you like that. And yes they blaming your and your mum, and your way. Let me try to translate. Him: Then what’s this? ____ doesn’t know anything Her: Headache with their way. Usually people shave eyebrows to look like ghost. Him: Now ___ lazy to entertain Her: By right it’s forbidden to shave eyebrows, good thing the baby doesnt know anything Him: thats why ___ make noise Her: where got people shave eyebrows. Crazy is it ___ doesnt look out for Him: i dont know lah im just observing now She also doesnt know how to talk. If correct/real, end of month say bye bye Her: Its dangerous like this. Cannot leave baby alone. Him: thats why. ___ already lazy/pissed. Already 2-3 times struggling/fighting with mouth. Him: Mum, can eyebrows fall by itself? Until dont have? Her: usually won’t fall Him: ok. Finding for answer. Weird suddenly dont have. ___ ask nyn’s mum. Dont want to talk. looks like full shave. If really shave, thats rude. **not sure whats bogon** Her: why she shave Him: without my permission they do it Her: where got people shave eyebrows. Crazy is it. ___ doesnt take care of? Him: thats why. ___ already bored/pissed. Already 2-3 times fighting with mouth. Not the same way. ___ already tell from the start.___ will take care of ___. So anyone no need to interfere also hard. Her: if she dont like it say lah. Why make the baby as victim. Him: Not that dont like but their way is different. They want to follow their style. How can like that. Then who am i. Her: Like the green kid **(i think referring to the malay ghost, toyol?)** Pity him/her Him: compare Her: thats why eyebrows is thick Him: ya. Thats why 50/50 Her: insha Allah itll grow back. Use eyebrow ** assuming she ask your husband to draw the baby’s eyeborw**
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