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Buttercherrie, Singapore


About Buttercherrie

... lovable by many ❤️

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Ectopic Pregnancy (:

Dear Mummies, I went for my Urgent O&G Centre @ KKH this morning. I am at 6 weeks now, having minor-moderate bearable cramps with no bleeding (can say almost everyday but at different time) what happen during my ultrasound scan was my baby is not there in my womb. 🥺 My heart fall into pieces when the doctor suspect i might be facing Ectopic pregnancy. From what appeared from the screen and picture shown empty gestational sac size about 4mm but without the Yolk sac/fetal pole. Doctor suspect Ectopic Pregnancy or maybe too many fluid in there that's why not clearly seen. (I'm a average size weight 64.. give u all imagine.. I'm not that fat.. lols) My heart fall into pieces but I'm controlling my tears infront of the doctor. Grab the taxi. In the taxi my tears slowly came out. (But still control my tears la.. paisey if the taxi driver know that I'm crying haha) After reach home, burst my tears all out. My heart really 💔. I'm really scared to go for surgery and what happen to me after the surgery? Will I able to make babies again? And I feel so pity with my baby that alive but outside the womb. Will I die faster? Life shorter after this or whatsmore. So many questions come out from my mind. The doc fix another appointment next Monday. Ultrasound again. She will update what is the next step. I'm hoping that the baby will be shown on the screen next week. Do pray for me and my baby. xoxo *Updated* - I'm currently at 7weeks 6days. After go thru all the O&G journey + Beta HCG + Detailed Scan Beta HCG 1st day: 1161 Beta HCG after 48hrs : 1181 (it shd be double up, but mine wasn't) 1st Ultra Sound Gestational sac size : 4mm 2nd Ultra Sound Gestational sac size : 7.9mm 3rd Ultra Sound Gestational sac size : 0.6mm (Failed as it getting smaller) My results turn to be a : Failure Pregnancy (no Ectopic) Vaginal scan: All fine. Now I'm started having light bleeding, maybe tomorrow I shall visit the KKH again if the heavy bleeding reach me. I would like to thank to all mummies here for always giving me nice, comfort & lovely comments. May you all mummy and your newborn baby always be healthy and fine. Shall meet all of you again for my next post (next pregnancy HAHA!) Not too soon as I need to recover first, pantang² first, ask makcik urut to massage & adjust² my rahim abit. Lols To new mummies who worried, stay calm. U may cry as much as u want. Different body is different experience. Some may heng some not so heng. But it's ok!!! Just do your searches and prepare for the worst, the better is.. must trust in GOD plans. If today not so successful nevermind don't give up k. Can still try! Ok sign off. xoxo ❤️

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