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Delivering baby as covid positive patient (39 weeks)
The rest of the recovery is as per normal caesarean. Except that I was in the covid ward. The nurses here are more caring than the ones I met at the Pte hosp. Altho I’ve heard from the others patients I’m warded with, that the nurses here are horrible as compared to another Govt hosp. To each their own. I’m thankful enough for some of the kind souls I’ve met so far. For more info on which hosp I’ve to and where I am now, as well as the gynae that I was and am consulting, feel free to pm me. I do not wish to publicly tarnish anyone or any hosp’s reputation. Bill estimate: Pte hosp, 1 night for covid stay: $2300. Inclusive of gynae consultation $500 Govt hosp, 7 days for covid stay: $3500 before subsidy, $800 after subsidy Covid stay for Govt is fully claimable via insurance. For Pte tbc as I wasn’t sure what the Pte hosp billed to my insurance company. If the bill description is delivery- no claim. If it’s covid- claimable. Caesarean at Govt hosp for 3 nights: B1 ward estimated about 13k without maternity package (all itemised as I was warded prior due to covid). After medisave deduction, cash ~$9-10k). Hope it helps anyone who happens to find themselves in such an unusual situation! Last part (8/8)
I decided to upgrade to B1 with my assigned gynae performing the op. My op was shifted from 26 nov 4 pm (normal OT) to 10 am (emergency OT). Nurses picked me up at 10.20 am. Op started 10.40 am. Out of OT by 1 pm after recovery. Sent to single bed in covid isolation ward without baby. Baby was sent to nursery (again miscommunication, baby is not necessitated to room with mummy because I’m positive) she’s tested negative, thank god! But anws babies are usually born covid negative even if mummy is covid positive. Vvvv Low chance of transmission thru pregnancy. The risk of catching covid after delivery is much much higher due to exposure. Part 7 (7/8)
After many days (22 nov go 25 nov) of back and forth misinformation, finally a certain Dr Teo stepped in to resolve all my issues. She made a few phone calls to diff dept and voila! : 1. I was to be delivered in an emergency ward regardless of CT value. Even if I was diagnosed negative, I still had to deliver in the emergency OT as I was within the first 21 days since my symptoms - this came to light after she spoke to the infectious diseases aka covid specialists 2. Dr Teo manage to get me a single bed in the covid isolation ward because I insisted that baby shouldn’t be exposed to other covid mummies for fear of infecting my baby (yes I am also positive, but my CT values are improving. There are new patients daily who’s CT values may be infectious. They are also usually symptomatic - vomit, lost of smell and taste, breathless, coughing. I had none of the above) 3. I need to upgrade my ward (covid isolation ward is considered wardless and also a subsidised ward) if I want a consultant (doctor) to operate on me. Otherwise, the assigned doc will be in charge aka guide a mentee / trainee to do the op Part 6 (6/8)
1. I had to wait until I was less infectious before delivering (CT 30 and above) in a normal OT 2. I am scheduled for delivery on 26 nov 4 pm regardless of CT (CT 29 and below, emergency OT. 30 and above, normal OT) 3. Baby is to be with mummy after delivery, in the same iso ward with all other covid mummies (even if baby is negative!! I was very shocked to hear this and was adamant to make changes. Kept asking about this but apparently nothing could be done even if I chose to upgrade to A ward) 4. I couldn’t choose my gynae even with an upgrade. I was looking for a senior consultant or prof but apparently none available. Without an upgrade, the assigned gynae was to perform my caesarean Part 5 (5/8)
Here on it was a nightmare again. The staff were all caring. No doubt. They came in everyday at 5 am to do a CTG (baby monitoring for heart rate, movement and contraction). 8 am the doctors came in to check on you. Some where in the noon the nurses are back to check baby’s heart rate. All was well in terms of that. But I had a lot of qns in mind -when can I schedule for caesarean to be done? -where will baby be after delivery? -who’s my gynae? I checked with the nurses at the covid ward. The replies were inconsistent. There’s this CT value from PCR results. I was 21.97 on 22nd nov. With a CT value of 25, you are still considered positive but can be discharged. With a CT value of 30, you are still considered positive (and according to the Govt hosp / the staff here from the OBGYN side if I’m correct), you are able to deliver in a general op theatre (OT) Part 4 (4/8)
I told her on my decision to xfer to Govt hosp. She was relived. And said she’s alr made necessary arrangements with the HOD at the hosp to take over my case. I was in good hands. 2 pm: Scheduled for xfer to Govt hosp. Ambulance will arrive within 1-2h 5.30 pm: Finally the ambulance arrived. 6.30 pm: Arrived at the Govt hosp, the paramedics did my admission. I was in the A&E ward(?) by 7 pm. 7.30 pm a doctor (medical officer?) came to see me. The nurses and doctors did not stand 2m away from me. They stood by me as they performed the necessary checks/ tests. They were in protective wear. They spent time answering my qns. Making sure I am ok. 8.30 pm I was xfer to the covid isolation ward. Unfortunately here, they “isolate” you with the other covid mummies. Room of 6. All mummies. Part 3 (3/8)
“Yes sure. Probably later in the noon after the infectious diseases doctor check on you.” Meanwhile she stood with her arms close to her belly, at least 2m away from me. She asked if I’d like to xfer to a Govt hosp as there may be complications arising from covid. And the Govt hosp is more equipped for that. But if all was well, I didn’t need to be transferred. FYI I had no covid symptoms except for block nose when admitted for delivery on 22nd nov. I was sniffing and had sore throat between 17 to 19 nov, tested ART negative on 19 nov at home after experiencing symptoms. Discussed with the hubby and decided to xfer to Govt for 2 reasons: 1. If the Pte hosp is unable to handle the complications, I will have to xfer to Govt hosp anw. 2. The staff didn’t seem like they cared for me. They were scared of me. They didn’t dare to come close. We decided around 1 pm to xfer to Govt hosp. But they still have to move me from delivery ward to isolation ward for covid. My hubby had to go home now (he is ART positive. Still pending PCR results). My gynae finally appeared again around 1ish. Still standing 2m away. And kept asking me to see the infectious diseases doctor to determine which day was day 1 of my covid and which is the last day of my covid before deciding next steps. Part 2 (2/8)
Hello Mummies. I just share my experience, delivered baby as a covid positive patient. I was scheduled to deliver via caesarean on 22nd November at 8 am in the morning. As per my gynae, I am to check in to hospital after 12 midnight, take ART and PCR. I checked in at 2.30 am, took both swabs. ART was positive at 2.57 am. The nurses informed me that the PCR will be out at 6 am. They will wheel me into the theatre at 7.15 am and my op will continue as planned at 8 am. My PCR was not out by 6 am. Nobody updated or gave me any information on what was going on by 7.15 am either. The nurses stood at the door of my isolation room (I am isolated with hubby). Nobody dared enter even when they were wearing the protective gear. By 8.10 am still no update. And definitely not doing the op. The nurses finally called me on the hospital phone to say that I have to wait another hour until 9ish for my PCR to be out. 9.11 am, I received an sms from MOH. Unfortunately I was really tested positive. Where I got it, I still have no idea. None of my family members were positive. I asked for the whereabouts of my gynae: MIA. 10.30 am I was informed she was performing another op. She finally appeared at around 11.30 am. Simply stating: You’re positive so we have to wait for further checks before performing caesarean on you. “Can it be today?” Part 1 (1/8)