My 6 year old boy had fever 30 days before and flu like symptoms and diagnosed with mild lung infection and prescribed antibiotics and his symptoms improved and last week his temperature increased and again went to a&e and insisted them to take blood and urine test…the results are normal and fever has gone after 2 days and again he got the temperature 37.7 and today we again went to a&e and they said he is looking absolutely well no need to worry if the fever above 38.5 for 5 days then come back otherwise no need to come they said…but i still worried that his temperature is 37.5 now and I didn’t give paracetamol as dr told as long as he is active and well no need ti give paracetamol and they even saying dont take the temperature too often….but am still worried….have any once experienced this before? Pls help me with your answers #firsttimemom #worried
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11 month old premature baby has no teeth yet
My baby was born at 33rd weeks ,now she is 11 months old (actual age) her development was normal as full term baby but she is not having single teeth …that makes me worry but my mom used to say that i got my first teeth in 1.8 years but even without teeth i spoke a lot at that times… this normal? But she is showing teething signs like biting everything and have droolings but still no teeth…..#pleasehelp #worriedmom
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My husband got debgue 10 days my kid is also having a sudden fever from yesterday night like 37.5 to 38.5...i went to the clinic yesterday and in the morning went to poly also...but when dr checked fever is only 37.3...but after coming home it is 39.3 and after giving paracetamol it is now 38.5.....should i go to kk again to check for dengue?#pleasehelp #advicepls #worried
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