Can I keep freshly pumped breast milk in bottle warmer like avent brand for 3-4 hours till when baby wants it ? Also can I keep the milk back again in Warner if baby doesn’t finished it during the feed as long within 4 hours from when pumped? Wanted to ensure I’m not doing any mistake as baby started being fussy so wanted to ensure not because of my warming BM method ? #pleasehelp #firstbaby
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Hi moms, I had breast engorgement where I did Javanese massage that help the lump on my breast. Now I started getting milk blisters so I just tarted eating lecithin supplement once daily which help increase my milk volume but started noticing my milk is lumpy especially the breast that I had engorgement… so I throw the milk and not feed my LO as I was afraid milk was spoil.. any mum had such experience ? Should I be concern to go to doc ? #advicepls #1stimemom
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