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Hoping for a child
Recommendations for wearble breast pump?
Hello am planning to get a wearble pump so that once nanny leaves i can multitask, any recommendations? I came across Snuugo but couldnt find much reviews on it :/ Got consider baby express but always no stock, and maybe imani :/
Gaviscon while pregnant
Hi, my wife recently has bad gastric/acid reflux, and read that gaviscon helps! Just bought the double action one and saw it says take 10-20ml. How much do you all usually take when the gastric is acting up while pregnant?
Pain above stomach around diaphragm/middle of ribs?
Hi, i had a very sharp and "crunchy" pain above my stomach like near the bottom of my ribs? Broke out in cold sweat and even my back related to the area started to be pain as well. Didnt feel nauseous but i tried to vomit and after vomiting, the pain felt alot better. Has anyone gone thru the same before and any idea if its normal for pregnancy? :/
Husband has eczema?
Hi my husband has eczema, and we were wondering if anyone has heard of tips where pregnant mom can do or eat or avoid eating so as to lower the risk of the child having eczema as well?
TCM while pregnant?
hi all is it okay to go see TCM when pregnant? ive been feeling very lethargic and unwell and nauseaous and was told maybe i could go see TCM to make me feel better. but also worried since i am pregnant, as am unsure if its safe?
Travelling 1st tri?
hi just wondering if anyone has travelled during their first tri and whether its considered very risky to do so? we booked a trip to Japan long ago and by that time ill be around 10-11 weeks only :/
Negative ion blanket?
Hi there! Just found out that I am 2-3 weeks pregnant based on ClearBlue! Ive been using some negative ion blanket which my parent bought, and was wondering if i should continue using it now that I've found out i'm pregnant?