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Got a bun in the oven
Week 40 Days 4
Alhamdulillah tepat jam 7.32pm seorng khalifah dilahirkan dengan berat mencecah 3.15kg..Tp bby kena intubate sbb ketuban pecah bersama tahi.. pakar bby risau bby tertelan he's gonna be admitted for 5 days..hope for good progress and mohon doanya ya ibu2 semua..😊😊
Week 40 Day 4
Having mini contraction since yesterday ..but dont really mind it..but then today got spotting and quite mild contraction..come to hospital..and need to admit ward..hopefully everything will be okay and excited to meet our junior..#firstbaby #1stimemom
week 40 overdue
da 40 weeks and 1 day..but hero xmo keluar lgi..cepat2 la keluar..walid dok tunggu tu syg umi.. to all it normal if baby lahir overdue? #firstMomandDad
37 weeks cannot sleep
is it normal that i cannot be sleep at night in this third trimester?
36 weeks but easily emo
do mommy gets easily emo in 3rd trimester? i donno wether i am too tired of working and get easily emotional or i am a sensitive person?confused..Doctor already advice to be more calm and do not stress out myself..#firstmom
Checkup - week 20 ( 5 months) -
Alhamdulillah done hb x okay..kena ambil darah tadi..boleh tau cara untuk naikkan hb?2 mggu lagi ada appointment untuk tgok hb balik..😅😅
tak sedap perut
kandungan saya da masuk 8 minggu..normal ka klu rasa x sedap perut?
susu yang sesuai buat ibu mengandung
Susu similac dan enfamama..mana satu bgus ye?mohon pandangan semua..😊😊..terima kasih..
Boleh x scan msa minggu ke6?
Boleh saya tahu waktu sesuai untuk scan dan boleh tak kalau saya scan diminggu ke6 @ minggu ke7?
Minggu 6
Alhamdulillah..bersyukur sngt diberikan peluang untuk merasa hadirnya janin dalam rahimku ini..🥰🥰🥰