Each of us has spent the past year differently, extracting our own unique experiences. But some things common to all can be generalized. We shan’t dwell on the bad. Instead, let’s focus on the good. With the Covid-19 pandemic still looming large, it’s time to take charge of our personal health and well-being. So, it’s time to step into the 2022 with promises. Sharing with you my 5 goals for healthy living. 1.Focus on physical activity 2. Limit screen time 3. Get more sleep 4. Take the Time For Self-Care 5. Maintain a Positive Mindset How about you? I am inviting you also to join Team Bakunanay on Facebook. Swipe left and scan the QR code. #TeamBakuNanay #ProudtobeABakuNanay #AllAboutBakuna #HealthierPhilippines #VaccinesWorkForAll @theasianparent_ph @viparentsph
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