Assalamualaikum mommies. Saya nk tanya normal ke ye perut tetibe rasa pedih memulas2 mcm terbakar rasa perut tu. Saya duduk dlm toilet punya lama tp tkde keluar apa pun. Terjaga dari tidur sbb sakit sgt and tk boleh tido saya tahan sakit. Normal ke ye tu? #pleasehelp #1st_pregnancy #advicehelppls #ingintahu
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Sinovac vaccine at 5 weeks of pregnancy
Hi, i have a concern. I got my first jab of sinovac on 17th july. And im expecting my period on 18th. But then, theres no period for a week and im worried so i did pregnancy test and it turns out to be positive. Will it affects my baby condition in any health and physical terms? Pls help a young mom out 😭 tqsm #firstbaby #1stimemom #pleasehelp
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