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Ad x ibu2 kt sini yg ssh nk naek berat bdn? Sye gdm, tiap 2mggu checkup, tp berat ssh btol nk naek, smlm lg la.. trun skilo troz.. mgkin effect puasa kot.. ad sspe boleh share idea utk naekkn berat.. dlu ank 1st manjang trlbih berat naeknye, yg no2 ni ssh plak nk naek beratt 😅
Assalammualaikum semua..nak mtk tips ckit..mcm mana nak hlgkan gatal2 kat bdn ya ..jadi kudis,sakit.
Gatal kat siku,paha kaki
semalam perut saya masuk anginnn adakah mengandung memang ada masuk angin
Gerakan baby masih halus
Salam.. haii.. saya pregnant anak pertama... so, masih bnyak benda yg tak tahu... saya nak tanya kawan²... kalau 26 weeks, gerakan baby masih rasa halus² normal kah... ? Rasa macam kena jentik mcm tuu je... huhu... gerakan baby pun macam belum aktif... ada xkawan2 yg sama macam saya... risau juga... 🥲
Normal ke berat badan turun hari tu sblm puasa 75/74 hri tu check lgi jdi 72 btw sy tk ikut puasa ye
Sya tk puasa selera makan pun okey tolong ye mom
Sekadar luahan :')
First time mom here. My pregnancy is not plan at all. Walaupun da jaga2 itu ini tapi pregnant juga. Anyway, still bersyukur la sebab around Mei ke Jun tahun lepas, i ada buat medical checkup la & doc cakap I ni (sepatunya la) susah nak pregnant because of my period conditions. Pejam celik pejam celik masuk Januari 2025. Badan x selesa, tau2 pregnant, 2nd trimester. No symptoms, no belly bump. I just check sebab rasa geli2 dekat perut. Rupanya baby mula gerak. Btw, I have irregular periods so 2-3 bulan x period is normal for me. I went hiking, works like there's no tomorrow, makan macam2, angkat berat semua during the 1st trimester & yes, I don't feel anything. I bersyukur sgt2 baby is healthy & I tau ramai wanita di luar sana nak conceive tapi susah. So even though mine is unplanned pregnancy, dengan doctor tu cakap I patut susah dapat baby, I'm grateful for this pregnancy. Now, here comes the down part. My check up is every 2 weeks, with pakar KK once a month (thats normal kot for other people) and with O&G at hospital every 3 weeks. Why? I have anemia, low placenta, big cyst and fibroid. 🥹 As i said, it's unplanned pregnancy, I'm not mentally prepared for this and I have mental health issues. Have history self harm & panic attacks. Sejak I tau I ada cyst & fibroid tu, I jadi down. It's because of my conditions, I takut effect or harm my baby. Ofc I have my husb to comfort me and other people as well but, whenever I go check up, it reminds me of the cyst. It's not cancerous kind but because it's so big, being pregnant may accidentally pop it. I was excited when i know im pregnant but now, im mostly anxious. All I can do is pray to God to protect my baby and I, listen to doctor advise, and just try to be healthy (both physical & mental) .
Nak tanya, apa rasanya kalau Husband korang peduli sangat pasal keadaan dan kandungan korang🙂
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Lenguh nye sis,,tidur selalu saja mengiring
Mmang tak boleh ke nk tdo melintang?mmng lenguh sangat ii ssah nye nk tdur 😭😭😭
Setiap kali pg kk nadi dan bp tiba2 tinggi , Tapi kalau cek kat rumah normal je . Ada tak yg sama dgn saya ? 27weeks ..
sorry gambar menggelikan. hi mommy, sy bru 6 weeks, keluar spotting warna mcm dkt seluar dalam.
Normal ke??? Help me mommy#mohonbantujawabbunda