Worry mendekati hpl
worry bun hpl 27jun msh konpal trs

It sounds like you are worried about approaching your Estimated Due Date (HPL) which is on June 27th and still feeling confused. It's normal to feel anxious as you near your due date, especially if you are feeling unsure about certain things. One important thing to remember is to stay in close contact with your healthcare provider. They can provide you with the support and guidance you need during this time. It might also be helpful to make a list of any questions or concerns you have and discuss them with your healthcare provider. Remember, you are not alone in feeling worried, and it's okay to seek reassurance and support. Take care of yourself and best of luck with your upcoming due date! https://shope.ee/9KMNPOoFkR
Baca lagisemoga tetap tenang dan banyak berdoa ya, , saya lahiran kemarin siang dg normal di UK 42w1d, yg penting pantau terus,, semoga disegerakan yaa.
semangat bundaa semoga selalu dilancarkan yaa nanti kalau udh lewat HPL dicek yaa bun takutnya air ketubannya mulai kering
semangat bund sy hpl 29 sdh lair tgl 20 kemarin .semoga bunda" di berikan kelancaran u/persalinan nya ya Amin ..
https://shope.ee/4KwuO18Kf7 coba ikhtiar makan buah kurma ini bun bisa mancing kontraksi sama HB keluar di dalem
sama bund semoga segera diberi gelombang cinta yg asli ya bund, buat kitaa nyaa 😊😊
Alhamdulillah bun udh launching mlm hpl 27jun🙏
sama bun..aku hpl tanggal 30 blm ada tanda2
sama bun hpl nya tapi blm ada tanda apa apa
hpl tgl 27 bun tp blum ada kontraksi apa2 😌
sedang mengandung