Baby Shampoo, Wash & Lotion
Which brand and product range would mummies recommend for newborn? Bioderma abcderm Cetaphil baby Aveeno baby California baby Mustela Kodomo QV

I use mustela cream for baby butt hole. Initially apply every diaper change after 3.5 /4 months onwards only once a day after shower. One tube last me very long coz I apply thinly and she don’t have rashes.! Shower and body lotion Started with aveeno, the lotion is rich but not oily. Tried Cetaphil later on and it’s fragrance is nice but sometimes I feel the fragrance abit strong but it’s lotion is more watery and easier to apply. It is cheaper than aveeno too. I don’t mind using aveeno as my LO is an aircon baby hence moisture is important. The only issue now is she starts to flip and not lie there patiently waiting for you to apply lotion after shower (at 7/8 months) so no choice I think best to stick to Cetaphil lotion for how.
Read moreI would like to know this as well. Not sure if it’s marketing or the product is really good, but Cetaphil baby, Aveeno baby, Mustela and California baby keeps coming up. I probably will try Aveeno first since it claims use natural ingredients and the key ingredient is Oats which is moisturising for the skin. Would be great if there were more comparing reviews though.
Read moreIt actually depends on whether you want to use organic products or not and your baby’s skin. My advice would be to consider an organic range first and buy a bottle to try. I bought the Mustela range but it turns out that it wasn’t suitable for my LO. I tried a few brands after that e.g. California Baby, Alobaby, Offspring, Suubalm.
Read moreI'm using kodomo for bath smells good. Pigeon powder QV diaper cream after trying so many on my girl sensitive butt this is the best. Alobaby lotion.
Read moreTry TinyOne's range of baby care products. A brand suggested by pediatricians for safe gentle baby care.

I’m using mustela brand for all the bathing to diaper cream etc.
Using cetaphil ❤️
using aveeno