Sitting up without support

When does your baby start sitting up without support? My LO is 6m old and still requires me to support her when sitting. She gets a little wobbly and can't really balance herself yet. She has yet to flip from her belly to her back. I am worried that her development is delayed. :( #1stimemom #firstbaby #advicepls

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I was told tt in order for baby to be able to sit up unsupported, he/she shld have strong neck and back muscles and tt said, flipping and rolling shld usually come first. For mine, my baby flipped from tummy to back since abt 2.5 months and since then has been rolling ard. He started to scoot and crawl at 4-5 months and sit unsupported at 5 months. You may want to check with her PD abt the flipping part but for sitting, it may take up to 8 months for some babies normally. Give her lots of tummy time, it'll help to strengthen her muscles.

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4y ago

Wow you have a really strong baby! :) Yup she's getting tons of tummy time everyday. Whenever she's not feeding or sleeping, she will be on her tummy playing!

You're not alone mummy! My baby is 6 mths old too but he has rolled and flipped since 4 mths I think but still can't sit unsupported for now although his neck is already strong. He has also started to show signs of crawling too (he now went backwards but has already showed signs of moving forward). I will not try to force as his corrected age is 5 mths old, born premature. All babies has different time of their development so try not to worry. Coming from a mama of 5 here, all my children's development are different ☺️

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4y ago

I see. Thanks for your encouraging words and advice! Hope our babies will be able to sit up unsupported soon and experience the world with a whole new angle! :)

For my girl to sit up straight and without support around 8mo. But for her to switch from tummy time position to sitting up position independently, it’s much later . I also rem my girl took damn long to flip from belly to back, while she can flip from Back to belly very fast . If you are worried, ask the doc on baby next appt at poly

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4y ago

Each baby has their own timeline. Don’t compare ur baby to others and put unnecessary stress on urself & baby. Enjoy motherhood !

Super Mum

Hi there, your baby may need up to 9 months to be able to sit unsupported. Rolling over on the other hand, you will need to give her more tummy time to practice and build those muscles. Don’t worry, she will get there. If you’re worried, take her to a pd to be assessed.

4y ago

She has finally managed to flip both sides and also from belly to back (not very spontaneously and depends on her mood)! Yes giving her tons of tummy time everyday and she's also assessed by a PD in KK every 1-2 months to monitor her progress. PD says she's doing well but I guess I just felt the pressure from her being slower than other babies. Thank you for the helpful advice!