Pregnancy insurance
When is the best time to get an insurance for pregnancy? After 1st trimester or after clearing all the tests? #1stimemom #advicepls

I got mine at 13 weeks pregnant. The insurers usually expect you to clear your first trimester and NIPT genetics tests as it will be part of the declaration form. Thus, they usually only offer post 13 weeks. This is different from the pregnancy insurance u get in advance of being pregnant (12 months moratorium period I think) where u have coverage for first tri and genetics tests issues.
Read moreMost insurers only offer maternity insurance after 13 weeks. Best to get it once u qualify, to avoid any exclusions or being declined. I was diagnosed with low lying placenta after my FA scan at week 20, but fortunately, my maternity insurance was already in place.
would suggest as soon as possible at week 13 onwards because the early you are covered the better, since you are paying the same amount anyway.. more secure is always better
I just got mine. I enquired AXA and Prudential, both advised that they can only submit my application at week 13. :)
Better to take before gestational diabetes test results come as they don't give insurance if anything wrong with GD.
get it as soon as u reach 1month.... cause u wont know when u might need it. dont wait too long
insurance might ask you to clear all tests first
My husband bought mine at week 23. 😊