Baby Carrier
What brand is good for a newborn? Konny, Soul SG, Ergobaby or Tula? Like Konny but scared I'll have backache since it does not have any back support. Looking for long term use till toddler. #advicepls

Ergobaby Omni 360! No infant insert needed. I used it since baby was 2 weeks old. As long as ur newborn is more than 3.5kg, can easily fit him or her in. Both my hubby and me can use as it's easily adjustable. I tried Konny too but I had to change the size twice as the recommended sizing based on my weight didn't fit well. And yes I had back pain too with Konny as it doesnt give much support to the wearer.
Read moreErgo omni 360 but Konny for convenience to bring around. Initially i hated my Konny too because it gave me aches everywhere but after correcting the size(still quite tight now) n correcting the fit n wear it properly, no more aches from Konny n its super comfy! My bubs is 11mo n Im still using Konny!!
Read moreTula for sure you can use until quite old for me 22 months still using. for konny the support won't be there if you have heavy baby. used to fully use it for first 3 month no issue. after 3 month max baby wearing time is 3 hour. and after 1 yo max is 1 hour. stop using at 21 months old
If you are looking for cloth carrier I recommend lillebaby dragonfly wrap. there's back support and the cloth is adjustable so suits mummies and babies of all sizes. The back support is comfy and cloth is soft. You can check it out, think pupsik sells :)
ergo baby! tried konny but after 1 hr back pain
Konny for newborn Babybjorn for 6 months up
Tula is good if you need more back support!
I used ergobaby
i use ergobaby
I angel