What are the differences between Chinese confinement and Indian confinement?

They have different confinement practices and taboos but share similar principles and elements. Confinement for both cultures (and pretty much every other culture) is for the new mommy to rest, heal, regain her strength and get as much help as possible with the baby (eg breastfeeding, tending to the child). The differences that I've read about lie in the taboos/do's and don'ts. For example, I read that during Chinese confinement, the new mommy cannot wash her hair for 21 days or bathe for 12 days. This exact practic doesn't seem to apply to an Indian confinement. There are also variations to similar practices for example, both will encourage mothers to eat foods that will help rid of "wind" but the kinds of foods permitted will vary. This is the same for herbs and massages administered -- they have the same principles of improving blood circulation and healing but different types of ingredients and techniques are used. I found this super interesting article that compares not only Chinese and Indian confinement practices but also Malay ones! http://anythingmaternity.com/2009/03/03/malay-chinese-indian-confinement-practices/
Read moreAs Idza as mentioned, both confinement practises are different in approach but very similar in their dietary requirements which is to purge out the "wind" in the body after delivery, to promote blood circulation, to strengthen the joints and to avoid "cooling" foods during the confinement period. I saw this article that compares the different approaches and found it quite interesting to read. It in, it compares the confiment practices between the Chinese, Malay & Indian. http://www.healthxchange.com.sg/healthyliving/womenhealth/Pages/confinement-food-in-chinese-malay-and-indian-cultures.aspx
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