is this miscarriage? if yes what to do next ?
went to o&g yest for light bleeding, was prescribed duphaston but after gg home the bleeding gets heavier. today bleeding still continues but with clots and suddenly got this super big clot came out. what to do next ? #pleasehelp #advicepls

Looks like a miscarriage. I experienced this too. Was 6 weeks preg (based on my own calculations) and after tested positive with pregnancy test kit. Supposed to see gynae that week but one morning, I felt a blood clot gushed out when I peed. Looked into toilet bowl and to my horror it was covered with blood and some clots similar to this. Went KKH straightaway and they couldn't find anything in my womb. It was all cleared with nothing. But blood test came back 'positive' still. Heavy period for 8 days and the following month I was negative for pregnancy... It was tough for me. Stay strong.
Read moreSeems like a miscarriage to me. You will have to see the gynae to check and ensure that everything is cleared. Even if your womb seems clear, the doc will still prescribe you some medication too.
seems like a miscarriage to me. i had the same thing. go back to your gynae to confirm the next day if there is not pain. if it’s painful, go a&e.
Need to go scan to confirm the womb is clean. If not Dr will do the procedure to clean. Be strong.
if any heavy bleeding occurs, you should go A&E immediately.
only can go o&g again to scan to confirm.